In my nearly 20 year career I've been lucky to work with a number of photographers to create gorgeous images for a variety of brands and publications. All retouching done in Photoshop.

Jeff RIEdel for ESPN Magazine

Christian witkin for outside magazine

christian Witkin for outside magazine

Brad Harris for snickers

Chris Buck for blender

Paola kudaki for v magazine

Marilyn minter for cadbury

Stephanie pfriender stylander

Stephanie pfriender stylander

Alexi Hay for spin magazine

MACIEK kobielski for uniqlo

MACIEK kobielski for uniqlo

MACIEK kobielski for uniqlo

alexi hay

chris buck for ibm

chris buck for ibm

chris buck for ibm

Robbie fiamino for bcbg

robbie fiamino for bcbg

Katia rawles for gucci

Katia rawles for gucci

Stephanie pfriender stylander for French vogue

Howard Burman for soul citric

Belvedere vodka